Thursday, January 22, 2015

Vatican Airlines Beefs Up In-Flight Security

(Rome) Mistral Air has announced that it will be equipping all machines chartered by the Vatican with a new "No In-Flight Interview" signal.

The new symbol (center)

Representatives of the small Italian airlines informed reporters on Wednesday that the new signal, which is to join the familiar "No Smoking" and "Fasten Seatbelts" signs and remain illuminated at all times, would be installed immediately in all the machines in their fleet. While declining to comment on whether the change had been requested by the Vatican, a spokeswoman of the airlines reported that the cost of the refitting was being covered by a donor who wished to remain anonymous. In the unfortunate event of an interview occuring despite the new restriction, she said, rosaries would automatically drop from the overhead area.

1 comment:

  1. Actually, I prefer Pope Francis to the other post- Vatican Popes because his heretical beliefs are so outrageous and blatant that even NO Catholics might begin to wake up to the destruction of the Church that took place after Vatican II. I much prefer him to the faux traditionalist Pope Benedict XVI whose deceptive, heretical, intellectual, philosophical expositions have probably done more damage to the Church than anything else.
    I am a pre-Vatican II Catholic, catechised by the Penny Catechism and I was taught to believe in, and all Catholics at the time believed in, the doctrine of EENS.
    For some time I have been engaged in arguments with members of the FSSPX and Resistance (including a 76 year old priest who should know better) about the heresies of salvation by baptism of desire and invincible ignorance. It doesn't matter how many times I refer to the teachings of Our Lord,Jesus Christ, God Incarnate, the teachings of the apostles and saints; the Church dogmas, bulls and papal encyclicals, they insist in denying that the doctrine of EENS was the doctrine of the Church before Vatican II.
    Ironically, Pope Francis' latest outburst against the cruel pre_Vatican II teachings about salvation confirmed that I am right.


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