Friday, April 3, 2015

Feria Sexta in Passione et Morte Domini

The Christ of the Brotherhood University of Cordoba
(based on the Shroud of Turin)

Deus, qui peccati veteris hereditarium mortem, in qua posteritatis genus omne successerat, Christi tui, Domini nostri, passione solvisti: da, ut, conformes eidem facti; sicut imaginem terrenæ naturæ necessitate portavimus, ita imaginem cælestis gratiæ sanctificatione portemus.

O God, who, by the Passion of Thy Christ, our Lord, hast loosened the bonds of death, that heritage of the first sin to which all men of later times did succeed: make us so conformed to Him that, as we must needs have borne the likeness of earthly nature, so we may by sanctification bear the likeness of heavenly grace.


Note: The image above is of the Christ of the Brotherhood University of Cordoba, the result of an exceptionally detailed study of the Shroud of Turin. It is possibly the most accurate three-dimensional portrayal of Our Lord at the moment of His Death. I warmly invite all my readers to view the following PDF file containing a number of very powerful images of this crucifix, and to meditate deeply upon the Passion and Death of Our Lord Jesus Christ (miserere nobis): Christ of the Brotherhood University of Cordoba

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